Seoul Market Access program Seminar, Seoul Metropolitan Government & Seoul Startup Hub

Executive Creative Director in Saltcake, Youngri Kim had a seminar about user-friendly UX at Seoul Market Access Program hosted by Seoul Metropolitan Government and Seoul Startup Hub to enhance overseas companies’ capabilities and the possibility to enter Seoul.
The theme of SMA was a field trip to Korean Market to provide various insights that will be helpful to enter the Korean market.
Youngri Kim emphasizes the wide range of experience by considering commercial space in Korea, consumption, design strategies, and UIUX to expand UX to HCD (Human-Centered Design)
She covered overall information of UX including the basic concept of UX, UX cases in the global group, UX history in Korea. Especially human-centered design experience is crucial to have effective communication for a successful business.
She had a meaningful conversation with prospective entrepreneurs about future plans and shared their own brand stories.

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