Oh! Exhibition ‘Unexpected Playsure! ‘

“Oh!” Exhibition was an interactive exhibition made by Saltcake Media lab. It took place in Hongdae in September 2014 and propose to visitors to experiment new media and technologies among 14 creative installations.
행복한 경험의 본질적 가치를 제공한다는 취지하에 솔트케이크 미디어랩에서 미디어 인터랙티브 전시를 개최함 “oh!” Unexpecte Playsure! 일상에 지친 어른들에게 예상치 못한 뜻밖의 즐거움을 준다는 의미로 기획 및 전시진행


The goal of our exhibition was to deliver fun for those tired of their daily routine. We designed an exciting playground that brings visitors back to innocent childhood, reliefs them from their stress and fills a special place in their memory with joyful childhood memories. This interactive exhibition reflected our company slogan: “Fundamental happiness of a happy experience”. By incorporating curiosity-evoking visuals, colorful colors, lights, characters and other “kidult” like factors with installations and media, drumming game, children’s book, trampoline game, dancing room, slotmachine and more were created to return the child-like feeling to the visitors. All actions necessary for the exhibition, from planning, to production of creative and technical installations, shooting and even PR has been conducted by the Saltcake Media lab team members themselves.

솔트케이크에서 장기프로젝트로 진행한 ‘oh!’ 전시는 일상에 지친 사람들에게 아주 특별한 펀! 엔조이! 익사이팅! 한 놀이공간이며 잠시 천진난만했던 어린 시절로 돌아가 스트레스를 날려 버릴 수 있는 특별한 기억의 공간으로 어린시절의 기억을 즐거움으로 새롭게 채울 수 있도록 기획되었다. 이 인터렉티브 전시는 회사의 슬로건인 행복한 경험의 본질적 가치(The Fundamental of a happy experience)를 제공한다는 취지하에 솔트케이크 미디어랩 TF인 MisKorea(Media Interactive Story of Korea)가 진행한 미디어 인터랙티브 전시회이다.


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