POSCO Construction, a leading construction company in South Korea, aimed to enhance its corporate capabilities promotion and communication environment improvement, making it more customer-friendly and innovative for its customers, partners, and the general public.


The customer experience (CX) on the POSCO Construction website can be summarized as ‘Emphasizing Corporate Identity, Keeping it Concise, and Presenting Information in an Easy and Friendly Manner.’ In addition to a complete design overhaul, they revamped over 90% of the entire menu.


Forward-Looking ·  Customer-Friendly  · Inclusive  · Safe · Happy 

They incorporated intuitive menu structure and navigation, utilized appropriate infographics

and videos to aid understanding, and activated vertical/horizontal movement

between related information, reflecting the UI features.

We wanted to provide a service that allows customers to instantly grasp POSCO Construction’s core values and business capabilities.

In other words, we aimed to help people understand the present and future that POSCO Construction is pursuing through a special menu.

To achieve this goal, we created a branding-specific menu called ‘Special Story.'”

Core Competitiveness of 6 Themes

We made use of a variety of videos, images, infographics, and interactions to present an engaging narrative, 

aiming to capture the interest of both the general public and stakeholders in the construction industry.

Now, after over a decade of wearing old clothes, POSCO Construction can share more stories with their customers.


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