Hyundai E&C Official Homepage & Newsroom Renewal
Client : Hyundai E&C
Hyundai E&C carried out a PC WEB responsive renewal. Through this project, we also carried out a newsroom official site to communicate with customers. The company site is not just a corporate homepage, but an opportunity for customers to enter the site and share the latest news of Hyundai E&C, and has become a hub that connects customers with Hyundai E&C. The site contains not only the company’s internal newspaper but also various contents such as newsroom and SNS.

Client Needs
For the official site of Hyundai E&C, Saltcake aimed to realize a sustainable design that centers on intrinsic values and can actively respond to various environments, so that the identity of Hyundai E&C can shine through the times.


Official Site
Hyundai E&C
현대건설의 오피셜 사이트입니다. 현대건설 인트로에서 기업사이트와 뉴스사이트로 넘어 갈 수 있는 플로우를 통해 독립적이지만 통합 된 느낌을 주었습니다.
Official Site Hyundai E&C
The official site of Hyundai E&C. The flow from the intro of Hyundai E&C to the corporate site
and news site from the intro to the corporate site and the news page, giving them an independent but integrated feel.
Social HUB Newsroom Site
Both corporate and news sites are responsive,
so they can cover a lot of electronic devices in the modern era, and users can view them comfortably.

Social HUB Newsroom Site
기업,뉴스사이트 모두 반응형이기 때문에 현대에 많은 전자기기들을 커버 할 수 있어 사용자가 쾌적하게 볼 수 있습니다.
The latest issue of Hyundai E&C’s internal newspaper, which comes out every month, is displayed in large format and can be viewed directly as a PDF
We exposed major news contents of
Hyundai E&C to users through the area
called Editorial Picks at the top to strengthen
information delivery.
On the news list page, you can view
the contents in two types:
card type and list type.
When scrolling through the news article
on PC and mobile, the percentage of the
page was displayed using the exposure UI.

상단의 에디터픽 이라는 영역을 통해
현대건설의 주요 뉴스 컨텐츠를 사용자에게
노출 시켜 정보전달 강화 하였습니다.

매월 나오는 현대건설의 사보신문 최신 호수를
크게 보여주고 클릭시 pdf 바로보기가 가능합니다.

Pc,모바일에서 뉴스기사 스크롤시
해당 페이지에 대한 퍼센트 비율이 노출 UI를

뉴스리스트 페이지에서 컨텐츠들을 카드타입,
리스트 타입 2가지로 볼 수 있게 디자인 되었습니다.

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